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love poem (Remove filter)


Posters – depicting your attraction
were long ago hollered and rolled up
into human curiosity of loquacity.
Sights and signs remain crystal bright.
The fortune teller sees to that.


How I strip teased round ribboned pole
winding that prize in disguise was the yow
I knew. Then not chosen to be May queen,
I helter skeltered to hate, heal, redeem
tortured by silence amongst the crowd.


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lovelove poem

I don’t know...

I don’t know how your love flew

gliding through my window,

fluttering, it shouted out your name,

becoming the adage of my love


Your breath dampened my skin,

opening the doors of my heart;

I want you… wandering in this festivity of feelings


I don’t know how you tied me to your arms,

feeling the sap running beside me,

a pillar of life and desire,

changing my p...

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love poem

Do not judge me, as my sin deserves

Do not judge me, as my sin deserves

tonight it eternalizes my fatigue

and overwhelms my mistakes


Do not judge me, as my sin deserves...

My soul has dried

and have your memories attached to my bones


I am in the middle of where I don’t want to be,

between the speck of my betrayal

and this storm flowing through my veins


We all learn from mistakes,

I took t...

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love poem

Only in my dreams...

You come to me full of vividly wild magic

perpetuated in my immortal dreams


You are so deep inside me

that the further you go away

the more I love you


You are so deep inside me

as if you belonged to my thoughts,

invisible, silent but taking control of my memories


You cover me, hug me, love me, melt me to the soul,

here, now, eternally present,

that inst...

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love poem

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